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Mefio is a contemporary abstract artist from London, UK, who specialises in the creation of Goniochromatic art. Born in Slovakia, Mefio has been interested in art from a very young age, eventually pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Modelmaking, honing valuable skils to create intricate and technically detailed works of art. Currently, Mefio is studying for a Master of Arts degree in Fine Art, which has expanded artistic repertoire and encouraged the exploration of new mediums and techniques, including mixed media asseblages.

Mefio's works have been exhibited in various exhibitions and shows, showcasing the Mefio's unique style and Intense artistic expression whilst participating in group exhibitions, curated exhibitions and competitions.

These exhibitions have been well-received, with critics and art collectors praising Mefio's ability to create works that are both visually intriquing and thought-provoking.

Mefio's achievements in the art world have not gone unnoticed. The artist's works have been featured in a number of new collections, cementing Mefio's place as an emerging artist, dedicated to her craft and constantly striving to push the explore new paths.

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